
The Top 5 Sites To Learn Online Trading

What to do with your hard-earned money and how to invest it, have been popular questions on people’s minds for a long time, maybe even since the introduction of money itself. Should you invest in a property, is it alright to leave it in a bank account, is buying a car a prudent investment, or would your money be better kept on the stock exchange?

The stock exchange has become a haven for many investors, especially as the advent of online trading has allowed individuals direct access to the market from any location. Private investors are gathering their own information and gaining access to market analysis through news sources such as Exness Insights, and staying up to date with current affairs and politics, to help them make prudent and well-informed investment decisions.

Read on, to find out which of the following five websites will teach you the most on the online trading world.

Never Stop Learning

1. Insights.Exness.com

As alluded to above, this financial info hub offers readers a fresh, easily navigable platform to further their trading knowledge and better their investment skillset. It does this by focusing on two main areas of user interest, the first being a roster of easily-digestible trading guides and the second is the site’s offering of current market news and market analysis. The articles showcased, aid traders in better understanding their and the market’s trading strategies and trading psychology. Helping both fledgling and expert-level investors make smarter, better informed decisions. Visit the site to find out more about online trading and which avenues of it might interest you most.

2. Udemy

Udemy, headquartered in San Francisco, is an online learning platform offering courses on a variety of topics, including many on the subject of online trading. Udemy is known for specialized and interest specific courses, whether that be reading up on day trading, binary options, hedging in forex, risk management, cryptocurrencies, or refreshing your stock market basics. The courses vary in length, allowing you the option of choosing one that suits the time you have available, and are often affordable to sign up to.

3. Babypips

Babypips is an incredibly user-friendly site focusing primarily on forex and crypto markets. This user-friendliness, combined with an open website layout, bright colours and occasional anime style animals, makes it particularly suited for novices. 

This excerpt from their site, explains their mission, aim and what users can hope to gain: “Babypips helps new traders learn about the forex and crypto markets without falling asleep. We introduce people to the world of trading currencies, both fiat and crypto, through our non-drowsy educational content and tools. We’re also a community of traders that support each other on our daily trading journey.” If this honest, educational and community supported form of learning speaks to you, then be sure to visit Babypips for more.

4. Bulls on Wall Street

Bulls on Wall Street was established in 2008 by founder, lead instructor and CEO, Kunal Desai. Desai has been a day trader since 1999 and Bulls on Wall Street is seen as one of the online trading course providers that has been around for some time.

It splits its instructional core, according to three different styles of trading. This allows learners the opportunity to pick a particular style and gain real, in-depth knowledge of that field. The online curriculum consists of day trading, swing trading and options trading.

One of the most engaging things about the site, is that users gain a personalized experience by being able to follow Desai live three times a week as he does market recaps, his weekly trades, helps pick potential value stock for the next week and discusses how the market is doing at the moment. In addition, users have access to a trading simulator and feedback from a mentor or professional.

5. Coursera

Coursera, similar to Udemy, offers online courses from some of the world’s leading universities and institutions. While not exclusively focused on online trading or the financial markets, Coursera has several finance and investment courses on offer. These courses are usually student reviewed and led by industry professionals and experts, who use video-guided lessons, up to date case studies, practical exercises and easy to follow online tests to help the learner’s progress. 

Many courses are eligible for student aid, all you need to do is look out for the ‘student aid available’ tab listed under the course title. Additionally, Coursera lets users download the video lessons for times when they might not be close to a stable internet connection, and offers transcripts for those who like reading the lesson content while following the class videos.

To Wrap Things Up

There is a wealth of knowledge available online. Take your time in deciding what type of trader you are and what type of return you are hoping to achieve. Be alright with sitting down in the evenings and studying or reading up on a new topic, stay up to date with the news that relate to your field of trading and be okay with the concept that you will not win at every trade. Most importantly always invest wisely and within your financial capacity. Overextension and speculation are not a part of a responsible and diligent investor. Have fun, enjoy the process and find your financial niche.