Companies Offering Exclusive Discounts to Shareholders


5 Companies Offering Exclusive Discounts to Shareholders

analysis, shareholder benefits

As an investor, you might already know that Indian Hotels Company Ltd offers a 25% discount on hotel services to its shareholders. But did you know that there are other companies that offer similar perks to their shareholders? 

In this post, we’ll take a look at some of these companies and the exclusive discounts and benefits they provide to their shareholders. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting out, it’s always good to be aware of these hidden perks that can add value to your investments.

  • Trident gives its shareholders a 25% discount on all home textile items.
  • Bata sends its shareholders every year a special discount coupon of 20% discount.
  • Ugar Sugar sends 1Kg sugar with its Annual Report every year.
  • Restaurant Brand Asia gives its shareholders a special 50% discount coupon.
  • Indian Hotels Company Ltd provides it’s shareholders 25% discount on Hotel services.

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