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Home » Inventure Share price target 2023, 2024, 2025, 2030

Inventure Share price target 2023, 2024, 2025, 2030

As an Investor, we are always looking for hidden gems. We want to include companies with the potential for exponential growth and high returns. In this article, we will explore Inventure Growth & Securities Ltd., which is from the finance sector. And the cherry on top – Its a penny stock, and the current share price is under 2 Rs. By the end of this article, we will have a strong understanding of Inventure share price target 2023,2024,2025 upto 2030.

There are quite a lot of reasons why investing in Finance stocks is a great idea. Firstly, the per capita income in India is on the rise. Rising income encourages people to invest their money. Secondly, finance has performed relatively better in the last few years. Finally, favourable government policies and increased awareness towards investing further empower share brokers.

About the company

inventure logo

Inventure Growth & Securities Limited is an Indian company operating in the financial sector. The company specializes in stock broking services and depository participant services. The company operates through several segments, including Equity/Commodity Broking & Other related activities, Financing & Other related activities. 

With its diverse range of services, Inventure Growth & Securities Limited plays a crucial role in facilitating stock trading and providing financing solutions to its clients.

Inventure share price target 2023

In reviewing the profit and loss statements for the period from December 2022 to March 2023, it becomes evident that Inventure faced a decline in its operating revenue. Initially, in December 2022, the company recorded a robust operating revenue of 11.24 crore. However, as we progress to March 2023, there was a notable decrease, with the operating revenue dwindling to 9.01 crore. This decline signifies a reduction in the company’s capacity to generate revenue from its core business activities.

inventure share price target chart

Furthermore, an examination of Inventure’s other income, encompassing earnings from non-operational sources, reveals a slight downturn as well. In December 2022, the company derived a notable 0.36 crore from other income, contributing to its overall financial performance. However, by March 2023, this figure had diminished to 0.33 crore. Based on this data, the share price target for Inventure in 2023 will be in range of Rs 2.30 to 3.80.

Quarterly share price target for Inventure in 2023

QuarterTarget (Rs)

As we discussed, the target we can see a 91% rise in Inventure by the end of 2023. The first target was already achieved. What next is how the stock performs in coming months.

Inventure share price target 2024

On the cost side, Inventure managed to lower its operating expenses. During December 2022, the company generated Rs 10.17 crore in operating expenses. This includes various costs associated with its operations like employee salaries, rent, administrative expenses, and marketing costs.  March 2023, the company successfully reduced its operating expenses to 8.32 crore.

Because of this reduction in expenses we come to know about the companys efforts to control costs and improve operational efficiency. In the long run this can positively impact profitability. Inventure Share price target for 2024 will be in the range of Rs 4 to Rs 5.7.

Quarterly share price target for Inventure in 2024

Inventure Quarterly target in 2024Target (Rs)

Despite the cost-saving measures, Inventure experienced a decline in profitability. The profit before tax, a key indicator of a company’s financial performance, decreased from 1.15 crore in December 2022 to 0.76 crore in March 2023. Because of this decline we can learn that the company is not able to generate profits from its operations before accounting for taxes. This is why we are not projecting any extra ordinary targets for year 2024. Unless the company becomes profitable, in long term it will be very difficult for them to attract more investors.

Inventure share price target 2025

It is worth mentioning that the company’s net profit, which represents its ultimate profitability after factoring in taxes and other expenses, experienced a decline during this period. In December 2022, the net profit amounted to 0.55 crore, indicating the company’s ability to generate profits after accounting for all costs and taxes. 

However, by March 2023, the net profit dropped to 0.47 crore. This decline serves as a clear indicator of the company’s diminishing overall profitability. Therefore the comapany needs to  analysis and the implement effective strategies to enhance its financial performance.

Since the overall sector is bullish, we might witness share price targets up to 7.40 by the end of 2025

Inventure quraterly share price target for 2025

Inventure Quarterly Target in 2025Target (Rs)

Inventure Share price target upto 2030

Year1st target (Rs)2nd target (Rs)

As per analysis, it is expected that the Inventure Share price can rise by 833%. However, it is important to note that these targets are based on historical data. Future expectations will depend on various factors like the company’s strategies, industry trends, and sector conditions.

Frequently asked questions

What is 52 High and low price of Inventure?

Inventure rowth & Securities Ltd made a 52 WEEK HIGH of ₹ 3.90 and 52 WEEK LOW ₹ 1.45

Is Inventure company profitable?

Inventure is a profitable company and it made a net profit of ₹ 7.55 Cr. However 

Should you buy Inventure at current price?

Inventure is a risky company to invest in. The promoter holding is 26.4% which is low. The stock can be volatile in the coming years. Therefore if you are a conservative investor, it is better to avoid investing in Inventure.

Is Inventure a good company?

As per our analysis, the rating of Inventure is 3 out of 5, which makes it a risky company. But as the sector is bullish you may keep watch on its technicals for good entry points.


Overall, based on the available financial data, the company has experienced a decline in operating revenue, profitability, and net profit during the period from December 2022 to March 2023. Hopefully, these Inventure share price targets will help you to make better entires. Remember that it is essential to consult a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

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Disclaimer: Stock targets and forecasts are for educational purposes only and may not be reliable for investment decisions. Use this information at your own risk. This is not an offer to buy or sell stocks. and its authors are not liable for any losses. It is not investment advice; seek professional advice before making any investment decisions. Exercise caution and be informed when investing.

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