While performing technical analysis of PHOENIXLTD, RSI becomes one of the most important indicators to study stock momentum. Other indicators like, SMA and EMA are useful tools that traders can use to analyze overbought or oversold zones.
The Phoenix Mills Limited is a Real Estate sector stock and is listed on both NSE and BSE under symbol NSE:PHOENIXLTD. The company opened at 1554.5 today, and closed the day at 1656.85 marking a bullish candle.
The current RSI of PHOENIXLTD is at 58.14 implies that the stock is not in overbought/oversold zone. 9 period SMA, a short term moving average which is used as a trend following indicator is below share price of The Phoenix Mills Limited.
Also read - PHOENIXLTD long term target analysis | PHOENIXLTD analysis for tomorrow
PHOENIXLTD’s Current and Past Week RSI Values
PHOENIXLTD is trading at rs 1656.85 per share with RSI value of 58.14. The RSI value has risen by 12.11 points since yesterday. This range shows that the stock is currently under bullish pressure.
In the past week, the average RSI was 52.09 which is higher than 50. This signals bullishness in the company’s share price. The stock has managed to stay above the level 50 for the past 1 day(s) showing consistently strengthening momentum.
RSI Chart and Updates of PHOENIXLTD Shares
Latest RSI Updates:
- 2025-02-04: Momentum is strong, RSI nearing 60.
- 2025-02-05: Momentum is gaining as RSI crossed above 50.
- 2025-02-06: Momentum is weakening as RSI fell below 50.
- 2025-02-07: Relative strength increases with RSI moving past 50.
- 2025-03-10: RSI has declined below 50, indicating bearish momentum.
Short Term Analysis of PHOENIXLTD’s RSI
Previous week, PHOENIXLTD's RSI showed notable fluctuations, starting at 46.0314 and closing at 58.1413. There was a change of 12.11 points last week. In this week starting on 2025-03-10, The Phoenix Mills Limited's RSI value changed by 11.09. Through this week, the Strength Index made a high of 58.1413 and dipped to 46.0314.
This shift indicates a rise in momentum when compared to last week's closing RSI of 58.1413. The average RSI for the current week stands at 52.09, which increased from the previous week's average of 47.38.
Throughout the week, the RSI reached a high of 58.1413 and a low of 46.0314, illustrating the range of volatility in investor sentiment. This volatility is further underscored by the daily trends, where the RSI recorded 1 day(s) of rises and 1 day(s) of declines. Such movements provide insights into the short-term trading momentum and the overall trading behavior of PHOENIXLTD.
PHOENIXLTD’s Long Term Relative Strength Index Evaluation
In long term review of The Phoenix Mills Limited, the monthly RSI data shows falling momentum with an average value of 48.72. If we compare previous month value to that of its previous three months, the stock has underperformed.
This data makes it clear that there is a shift in momentum in the stock from bullish to bearish in the longer term.
PHOENIXLTD’s RSI and Price Correlation
While analysing momentum, it's important that we study The Phoenix Mills Limited's price and RSI together. In the last 7 days, when the RSI of PHOENIXLTD was gaining momentum its price was rising.
Date | RSI | Price | Implication |
2025-03-03 | 45.67 | 1548.45 | Neutral |
2025-03-04 | 46.08 | 1551.9 | Bullish |
2025-03-05 | 49.22 | 1578.55 | Bullish |
2025-03-06 | 48.88 | 1575.65 | Bearish |
2025-03-07 | 47.05 | 1560.15 | Bearish |
2025-03-10 | 46.03 | 1551.7 | Neutral |
2025-03-11 | 58.14 | 1656.85 | Bullish |
1. In the past 7 days, RSI and price moved in the same direction on 5 day(s), indicating consistent momentum.
2. The RSI remained within normal ranges, indicating no extreme overbought or oversold conditions in the past 7 days.
3. No significant divergences were detected, suggesting stable momentum without clear signals for trend reversal.
Is PHOENIXLTD Overbought or Oversold?
RSI can be used to determine overbought and oversold zones. PHOENIXLTD's Relative Strength value of 58.14 shows that the stock is not in overbought or oversold zone.
9 Day SMA Analysis
9SMA is a useful trend-following indicator that is helpful in identification of short term trend. Currently PHOENIXLTD closed above its 9SMA value of 1564.8.
Shares of The Phoenix Mills Limited have consistently stayed above the 9SMA since last 1 day(s). It is therefore bullish in short term.
PHOENIXLTD’s 14, 21 Exponential Moving Average and 100 Day Simple Moving Average
14-day EMA is an indicator that is sensitive to short-term price movements. Currently 14EMA is at 1579.14. Another short term trend indicator is 21-day EMA, which is at Rs 1582.23. Latest data show that the 14-day EMA is below the 21-day EMA. Therefore PHOENIXLTD's momentum is decreasing in short-term.
Long term trend indicator like 100-day SMA, closed at 1608.35. When comparing PHOENIXLTD's current price of Rs 1656.85 to this average, being above it indicates upward trend in the market over a more longer period.
Short term momentum is bearish and the longer period trend is bullish. This means there is disparity in price in both time frames.
Summary of PHOENIXLTD’s Momentum
PHOENIXLTD's current RSI of 58.14 indicates that the stock is bullish momentum. The 9-day SMA shows a bullish short-term trend, while the 14-day and 21-day EMAs suggest a weakening momentum. Furthermore, the 100-day SMA reflects a upward long-term trend.